
New to typewriters? Looking for things to help enhance your typewriter experience? You've found the right page!

Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us and we'll do our best to help you out!

Our stuff:

Typewriter Vocabulary - What's that part called? Learn the lingo here.

More great stuff we love from the world wide web:

Type Pals and Typewriter Club Live - Find typewriter friends to write to the world over and join (or watch) a bunch of pals talk typers every Sunday!

The Classic Typewriter Page - The timeless resource for all things typewriter by Richard Polt.

The Typewriter Database - Ahoy, typewriter hunters! Need help figuring out what make or model or year of manufacture your machine is? Check out the biggest source of typewriter serial numbers on the whole interweb!

Austin Typewriter Ink. - The legendary typewriter podcast and home to the greatest bunch of typospherians this side of Galveston.

One Typed Page - Need we say more? Typers submit a single typed page of content about anything at all while others eat it up as they're compiled into daily blog posts and sent to an email inbox near you.

Join a Facebook Group:

Austin Typewriter Ink.

Antique Typewriter Collectors

Antique Typewriter Maintenance Group

Golfball Typewriter Shop

Hermes 3000 Typewriters

Mid-Century Office Supplies and Design

Typewriter Club LIVE

Typewriter Poetry and Typecasting Cafe