Far out, man! Let me lay it on you about this groovy blue Brother Webster XL-5000 typewriter from the rad '70s. Picture this: it's the dawn of disco, and this sleek machine is the bee's knees, sporting a vibrant electric blue hue that's cooler than a cucumber. With its funky QWERTY keyboard, you can type your heart out and groove to the beat of those sweet typebars, laying down words that are straight-up jive talk. This groovalicious typewriter is all about peace and love, man, with its smooth print quality and righteous paper bail that keeps your sheets in line. So hop on this time machine, flash back to the seventies, and let the good vibes flow as you create some far-out words on this blue Brother typewriter, because it's totally outta sight!
Features: Keyset tabulator, pop up paper support, original sticker, blue carrying case with silver striped handle, 11cpi Pica typeface
Made in Japan - so you know it's well made!
Note: zipper pull on case missing
Serial #J0827219